Last update: February 20, 1998. |
The Basic Fundamental Law of NatureThe Trinity of The U.U.T.Chapter's content: ![]() |
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1. THE LAW OF ONEOur common understanding of "One Unity consists of Many" is obviously not how The Law of One-ness is meant to be understood. It should mean that there is only One Absolute reality, infinite, boundless without beginning or end. The term "ONE" leads already to a mis-interpretation, since 'one' has the connotation as opposite to 'many'.It is often symbolised by a circle, to express 'boundless without beginning or end', yet the symbol is not adequate either. We do not have the appropriate expression nor an adequate symbol, because we do not have the right mental conception in the first place. It is hard for us to understand or even imagine what 'Absolute One-ness' means, since we live in 'the world of many things'. The Hindus call our world "Maya", which means "Illusion". Yet, this illusion is for us "Real", and becomes the basis of all our conceptual understanding. Through the Copernican Revolution we have learned how erroneous our perception can be. The current scientific revolution has brought us still much more to realise this. It has proved that our day-to-day world, the world of things we can touch, see and smell (macroscopic objects), which is no more than the Newtonian world, is valid or real only within a certain boundary - the Newtonian boundary. Beyond the Newtonian boundary, Relativity Theory and Quantum Physics apply. Both of them are still dealing with physical laws within the physical reality. The boundary of Newtonian Physics is not the boundary of physical reality, as some may have misunderstood it. Quantum Physics, as weird as it may seem, has never dealt with mysticism or spiritualism. Only very recently some avant garde physicists have tried to understand the realm of human mind and consciousness. In the summer of 1982, Alain Aspect and his co-workers, successfully conducted an historical experiment at the University of Paris. The result of his experiment gives the verdict on a half century long debate between Einstein and Neils Bohr, known as the "EPR Paradox" 1) (Einstein, Podolsky and Rosen), and at the same time also gave the experimental evidence for the 'non-locality' and 'counterfactuality' principle of Quantum Physics. In simple language, the Alain Aspect experiment has proved that two complementary particles that split and travelled at the speed of light in opposite directions, no matter how far they are apart, are always 'in communication' with each other. If we measure or change the direction of flight of one particle (say particle A), the other particle (say particle B) which might be light years away, will know it and will change its flight direction to complement its partner (particle A). Relativity theory postulates that nothing - not even information, can travel faster than the speed of light. So it shall not be possible for particle A to communicate with particle B (EPR Paradox). The Alain Aspect experiment has proved that the two particles are 'communicating' to each other. Was Einstein wrong? The Alain Aspect experiment at the University of Paris can be considered crucial; as crucial as the Michelson and Morley experiment in 1887. The Michelson and Morley experiment gave the 'death knell' to the 'etheric hypothesis', which led to the birth of our Modern Physics. This time, the Alain Aspect experiment brought up another controversy amongst our physicists. As far as the author is aware, there is still no consensus amongst physicists, on how to understand the philosophical implications of the 'non-locality principle' proven by this experiment. Paul Davies summarised the result of that experiment as follows:
The Universe is not a collection of objects, but is an inseparable web of vibrating patterns in which no one component has reality independently from the entirety. Included in the entirety is the observer.As opposed to the above interpretation, some others believe in the 'superluminal' (faster than light) connection as the explanation. However, this is contrary to the Relativity Theory, which postulates that 'nothing', not even information, can travel faster than the speed of light. The Tachyon Theory tried to prove the existence of particles, which move faster than the speed of light. Though there is some mathematical background to prove it, the theory has not gained total acceptance. Our problem lies, most probably, in our mental conditioning, in the form of mind conceptions or map of reality derived from our physical sense data - our perceptions, which is 'atomistic' in nature.
To get out from this "mental trap" we have to turn our frame of reference around. Instead of looking up into the Cosmos from our 'atomistic' view, which is time-space confined, we should look into our time-space continuum from beyond, from the condition at the speed of light.Let us consider the Einstein's Gamma factor formula. The Gamma factor formula is one of the reason behind the famous story known as the "Twin Paradox" 2). If one of the twins travels into space with enormous speed, the Gamma factor will keep her young. If she managed to travel at 90% of the speed of light, (Gamma = 2.3), her 'clock' will tick 2.3 times slower as observed by her twin sister on Earth. As movement is relative to the frame of reference, the one sister on the space ship will also observe that the 'clock' of her twin sister on Earth is slowing down 2.3 times. That's why it is called a paradox. For the purpose of this paper let's take our Milky Way Galaxy as our frame of reference. Our Galaxy is relatively stationary to our travelling twin sister and can be used as the base of our observation. If she managed to reach 99.99% of the speed of light, her Gamma factor will be 70.7. Her clock will tick 70.7 times slower than the Earth clock in our Galaxy. Using the inter-galactic map she brought from the Earth, she will reach the edge of our Galaxy (100 light years away from here) in less than 1.5 year. She will 'feel' that she travels at a very high speed, which seems to be 70 times faster than the speed of light. As a matter of fact, she never reaches the speed of light at all. Her speed is still 99.99% of the speed of light, but her inter-galactic map is no longer valid for her condition. At 99.99% of the speed of light, our Galaxy (also the whole Universe) becomes 70.7 times smaller. What would happen if she could reach 100% of the speed of light? Theoretically, at the speed of light her clock will stop. Time 'streches' indifinitely' and distance shrinks into nothing. She will reach the edge of our Galaxy in no time or instantenously. If we take the whole Universe as our base of measurement (frame of reference), which is relative stationary to her moving at the speed of light, then she can also travel from one edge of the Universe to the other in no time. The story is confusing and sounds unbelievable. Some believe that there must be a 'loophole' in the theory. In fact, the 'loophole' is not in the theory, but in our mental conception.
Our problem actually lies in the conflicting and inconsistent definition as well as our undertsanding, of what we term as "speed".Light particles from the background radiation, which has been detected by our COBE (Cosmic Background Explorer) Satellite, is perceived by us as if it has travelled across the Universe in 15 billion years. Yet, for the light particle itself - which travels at the speed of light and therefore the condition at the speed of light applies, it has not moved at all. It has travelled zero distance at zero time. It only appears to us, as if it travels. For a light particle, time-space simply doesn't exist. Here lies the boundary of Physics and our physical reality, our time-space continuum. We always use our condition on this Earth - our reality, as our frame of reference, and think that it is the only one there is. We always take it for granted and never really asked ourselves, whether our four dimensional time-space continuum - our reality, is truly real. History told us that, for thousands of years, we never asked ourselves whether the sky really revolves around our globe. We simply took it for granted, until The Copernican Revolution convinced us otherwise. If we take 'the condition at the speed of light' or 'the reality of light' as our frame of reference looking down into our time-space continuum, we would not speak of "speed" anymore, but "degree of confinement" instead. Light can be considered as "free energy", while "mass" or "matter" is "confined energy", known as "condensed energy" Photons do not travel at all, and they do not age either. It only 'appears' to us as if they do. Two complementary light particles, which appear to us as if they have split and travelled across the Universe in opposite directions, in fact are still together - indivisible. They do not need 'superluminal' connection to communicate to each others.(Another way to view The Indivisibility of Quantum Reality)
The unification of Quantum Mechanics and Relativity Theory
In the Universe of inseparable vibrating pattern, the true and eternal reality is the reality 'at the speed of light' or 'the reality of light'. Our physical reality in this time-space continuum is only temporary - an apparent reality.
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